COVID 19 Resources


To aid health care professionals with resources for working with clients during the pandemic ASCH has put together a wealth of materials.  Go to

Also available on the ASCH website are guidelines for hypnosis and telehealth

During this unimaginable time of global crisis, Linda Thomson, President of NMSCH,  created a video to provide people with the opportunity to take time to relax, to bolster their immune system and enhance their ability to cope and better protect themselves from the COVID 19 virus.  The video is a hypnotic, meditative journey of about 30 minutes; her gift to you.  Enjoy, stay healthy and well.  We are all in this together and we will get through this and look forward to better days ahead.

Hypnotic Journey during the Pandemic

A second video is freely available to help children and adolescents deal with the stress of COVID-19. In this video Harry the Hypnopotamus explains to children about COVID-19 and the pandemic and what they can do to help. Then he instructs them in belly breathing and how they can use their imaginations to help themselves during this difficult time.  

COVID 19 a Hypnopotamus and You

These two videos received the 2020 Community Impact Award.