A Few Words

About Hypnosis

A Few Words About Hypnosis for the Clinician

Clinical hypnosis is a set of communication skills that a clinician uses to help a client use his or her own experiential resources for the purpose of therapeutic change. Hypnosis utilizes trance to focus attention and reduce peripheral awareness. This altered state of consciousness is characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion.

In hypnosis absorption and dissociation increase and critical thinking and external thoughts decrease. There is an increase in functional connectivity in the brain. In hypnosis, individuals put outside their conscious awareness things that would normally be in their awareness. Their attention is narrowly focused on suggestions, sensations, and imaginative experiences.


Hypnosis becomes believed in imagination. Critical judgement is suspended and individuals respond somewhat automatically to instruction. It is this state of consciousness that enables a person to escape from negative perceptions that limit their beliefs about what is possible. 

In hypnosis there is a is a transformation of language and perception. In ordinary consciousness we respond to perceptions and manipulate language. In hypnosis the individual responds to language in the form of suggestions and manipulates perception.

Hypnosis takes the power of belief and expectation, combines it with imagination, focused breathing, the relaxation response, suggestions, and metaphors to create a powerful and effective therapeutic modality for health and healing.

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