
Become a Member of NMSCH

The Northeastern Mountain Society of Clinical Hypnosis (NMSCH) was founded in 2010. It is a nonprofit organization that provides and encourages educational programs to advance the knowledge, understanding and applications of hypnosis. NMSCH promotes the further recognition and acceptance of hypnosis as an important tool in clinical health care and as a focus for scientific research. NMSCH is a component section of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). Membership is open to professionals who have received ASCH approved Level 1 training in clinical hypnosis. Our membership includes professionals licensed in medicine, nursing, dentistry, psychology, and allied healthcare fields. Students and graduates working toward licensure may be eligible for membership if they are using clinical hypnosis under the supervision of an ASCH approved consultant.

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Steps to becoming a Member of NMSCH:
1. Fill out the Membership Form (link below)
2. Pay the $35 annual dues via PayPal (link below)
3. Your application will be reviewed by the NMSCH Board
4. Once approved, please send your photo & information to be added to the NMSCH Membership Directory.


Please fill out the Membership Form & submit for approval:

Please pay the annual $35 dues via PayPal:

Why you should join NMSCH


“The world’s oceans are richest where the seas’ currents intersect.

Synergy is created by bringing together in one organization so many talented providers who use hypnosis as a tool in treatment.


Our membership is diverse, spanning all areas of healthcare. This multidisciplinary culture of sharing knowledge, skills and experience is our strongest asset.


For a nominal membership fee, you and your clinical practice have the opportunity to be listed on our professional  data base to bring more visibility to your clinical work.